Saturday 23 June 2012

Summer Saturday Goodness!!

Life is beautiful.  Let's take today, for example.  It seemed like it was going to be a quiet, low and slow Saturday until I arrived at the weekly farmers' market this morning.  I went to my favourite tent, Freedom Farm, and they had organic veggies in abundance this week!  I was immediately giddy, and proceeded to fill my bag with fresh and vibrant kale, swiss chard, garlic scapes, etc.  I felt compelled to take a photo of the rainbow swiss chard and also to tell them how much I appreciated their yummy produce!  I suppose one could say I am a foodie.  I thrive knowing my veggies are fresh and nutrient rich, and I feel so much better eating them with this vibration.

As I was leaving the market I noticed a bike with a sign on it saying "bikes for sale" with an arrow towards a picnic table and a shed-like structure.  I meandered on over, with ginger chocolate cookie in hand, to see what the sign was referring to.  To preface the following news, I have to say I have been wanting to manifest an old yet functioning bike in the valley that requires a very small investment given my transient status.  I was in luck!  There were two sweet elderly men and a woman selling bikes on behalf of the Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society where I volunteer.  All the proceeds from the bikes were going to the Society, AND they had a bike that perfectly suited my needs: teeny investment, comfy seat, and solidly tuned with good tires! 

 They helped me put the bike in my car and off I went.  When I got home I immediately hopped on and took it for a spin in the woods.  My friend's dog Sasha accompanied me for the ride.  We could go so much further on the path with my bike than previously on foot; I was in my glory!

I had no idea that my day would be filled with so much goodness when I woke up this morning.  I had been consciously creating a focused intention on having a bike to ride into town, and also to get local, organic, ultra fresh veg this summer, and today seemed to be "harvest day".  I suppose the key learning here is to  create conscious intention around what it is that you wish to receive, on a regular and continual basis, and at some point in some way you will receive.  I suggest trying a small wish to begin with.  For more information on creating focused intention, check out Lynne McTaggart.


  1. I am living on Vancouver Island and my garden is doing terrible. How do these growers get such beautiful produce? I must be doing something wrong.
    Enjoy your bike. I need to get mine out and start peddling.

  2. Hi Birdie,

    Where are you on Vancouver Island?
