Wednesday 18 January 2012

Nourishing News

I had a lovely conversation with my good friend, Duane, today.  Our discussions are always juicy and life affirming in the best way possible.  Plus, he always shares his latest discoveries on health and wellness with me.  So grateful for our relationship.  Today he introduced me to Sally Fallon,  President of the Westin A. Price Foundation, a non-profit organization that seeks to restore nutrient-dense foods in people's diets.  It seems the machine age era has brought about heavily processed and radiated foods, and consumption of these foods have been linked to the upsurge of many illnesses and diseases in today's times.  Increasingly there is a movement back to the wise old traditions of eating simple nutrient rich foods, and, believe it or not, a simple beef bone soup stock is at the top of the list!

Here is a recipe Duane shared with me, from the book "Nourishing Traditions", by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, for bone soup stock:

1) Find a source of grass-fed beef, preferably farm direct, and ask about bones. You’re looking for large femur and knuckle bones. 

2) Save any ribs or bones from steaks that you eat in the freezer. Continue to add meat scraps until you have enough to make broth.
3) Same with veggies; start saving the “butts” of your celery, carrot shavings/tops, and random pieces of veggies that can become a “stock kit” in your freezer.
4) When cooking your broth, assemble all ingredients in a pot with water.  Add 1-2 TBS of vinegar and let it sit, unheated, for 30 minutes to an hour. The vinegar, being acidic, acts to draw the minerals out of the bones so that they are released into the broth.
5) Once you begin cooking, you will see “scum” form at the top of the broth. Gently skim this off. These are the impurities rising from the cooking process.
6)  Bring to a boil and skim. Add any veges you’d like (this is not necessary, just for taste). Decrease temperature and simmer for 4 hours to 24 hours. The longer you simmer the more minerals you’ll extract.
7) Keep the broth in the fridge or freezer and serve on its own with salt or use in soups and sauces.

 I haven't tried this recipe myself yet, though I intend to at some point soon.

If you make the attempt, I would love to know how you make out.

Happy soup stocking!



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