Sunday 15 January 2012

From Toronto to Ecuador to British Columbia - Ashley's Life Adventure

Yes it has been quite a while since my last post. I have had very limited access to the internet over the past months, as here is what I was up to:

I had been feeling called to Ecuador for several months, and was not sure why, though something in my soul knew I was going to be leaving Toronto, and that same soul said, "Ecuador".  So I journeyed there in January 2011 with a loose plan. I dabbled in a Spanish language study program, lived with an Ecuadorian family for a month, bathed on a beach, immersed myself in the culture, and did a two week study in biodynamic farming and Earth based spirituality. Yet only once I was there for six weeks did my higher purpose in coming to Ecuador become clear.

In a truly divine way I was invited to participate in what evolved into a three month intensive study of mind consciousness, the nature of personal reality, with a gifted hypnotherapist, educator and life coach. Not only had I been given the opportunity for personal healing, but I was also given powerful tools and concepts to work with in helping people create change within themselves and, in turn, others.

I firmly believe that understanding one´s mind and the fundamentals of how our reality is created are key aspects of creating happiness and peace within the self and everyone and everything around us.

In July, with my fresh new set of eyes, I headed straight to where my heart wanted to go:  Beautiful British Columbia!

Over the last while, I have been experimenting with my newly learned concepts in my own life, and what a ride it has been!

More to come on this.  For now, my focus is on my internal process.
Living, loving, and laughing....

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