Wednesday 25 April 2012

Heart Happy in Horse Land

I am very excited to share that I will be volunteering with the Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society (CVTRS) as of next week. This whole experience feels divinely guided and significantly special.  When I say divine, I am referring to being completely in the flow and being supported by a gentle angelic presence.   My spirit guides must have been especially attuned to my needs after coming home from a powerful session with a gifted clairvoyant last week.  I walked up to my house to find a newspaper on the front door step calling out my name.  I popped in the house, sat down at the table, and began perusing the paper.   I came upon the CVTRS ad looking for volunteers, and after a brief phone exchange, I arranged a visit to the stables the following week.  Upon my arrival, they were short of volunteers; I happily stepped in as a horse lead.  Given my years of horsie experience, my comfort level was palpable.  Moreover, I felt confident and a sense of heart happy. We took the riders on a lovely trail ride, and I felt at peace and at home there. The horse I led was a perky Arabian named Tiki (see photo above).  

How is this divine you may be asking?  Well, I have been wanting to be around horses since arriving in BC.  My passion for horses began at age six.  It was like therapy for me; it kept me sane during the rough and tough teenage years.  Horse riding helped me build confidence and appealed to my adventurous yet gentle and sensitive spirit.  I would spend every Saturday at the stables, riding, mucking out stalls, packing shaving bags, and doing whatever other barn chores needed to be done.  I was an avid horse woman until I went to university at age 18.  I took a long rest and got the call to return when I was 33.  With determination and no car, I found horse stables in downtown Toronto that was bus accessible.  I was good to go, and I haven't looked back!
Horses are abundant in BC, especially on Vancouver Island.  This past winter, I cared for three horses for a couple months, and since arriving in Comox Valley, I have been wondering how and when horses would enter the picture.  It did not take long; just under three weeks to be exact!  It turns out the CVTRS has just leased a new space to offer various new classes, one of which is working with troubled aboriginal youth.  These are the people I am interested in working with, and it turns out the day I want to volunteer is the day this class is being offered.  My timing is perfect!   Next week is the first class!  Thank you divine forces!  

It is amazing how the power of the mind can manifest what it desires with intention and genuine desire.  Since studying mind consciousness intensively in Ecuador last year, I have been experimenting with this concept, and am discovering just how powerful the mind truly is!


  1. I love it when everything just works out. Sometimes the angels whispers and other times they shout. Your angels were shouting this week.
    I have always wanted to try "getting back on the horse" as they say after I tried once when I was about 10 and the horse bolted. I have been terrified of them ever since. However, I do believe they are the most beautiful and sensitive animals on the planet. I believe horses are intuitive with even the smallest part of the physical world and very intuitive with the spiritual.

  2. The thought of angels shouting makes me giggle. Yes horses are known to be one of the most sensitive creatures. Thanks for reading my blog. I really enjoy receiving your comments. :O)
